
IndexGuy Text Links Management System

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Update Your Sitemap With This Free Google Sitemap Creator

Today I listened to a seminar from Jack Humphrey and his info was so great, I decided to check out his blog. And on it, was this great gem for creating your Google Sitemap for free.

Quote from Jack Humphrey:

Not only is the darn thing free, it is the first desktop sitemap maker (all Windows version that matter) that ever came out and it beats the pants off all the paid sitemap creators I checked out!

Reminder: Just because everyone in the top 10 results is charging for something doesn't mean there isn't something comparable out there for free.

In this case, it appears we have a bonafide slam dunk. GSiteCrawler is not only free, it's actually the easiest and best sitemap creator I've ever used.

(Oh - and it does ROR files, uploads your files for you automatically, and, though I haven't found the tab yet, surely does the dishes as well.)

You can download it free from:

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